B.TECH :Eligibility to take admission in B Tech, candidate should have passed 10+2 Examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Computer Science/ Biology with 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST category) in the aggregate. And the candidate must have a valid score card in JEE-Main.
B.TECH (Lateral Entry) Passed or appearing in 2014 diploma engineering with at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST category). And the candidate must have a valid score card in OJEE.
Lateral Entry for B. Sc./ +3 Sc. students : Passed or appearing in 2014, for the Bachelor’s Degree examination with at least 45% marks (40% in case of ST/SC) and must have passed XII standard with Mathematics as a subject. And the candidate must have a valid score card in OJEE.
MBA:-Passed or appearing in 2014, for the Bachelor’s Degree examination. The candidate should have obtained at least 50% marks (45% for SC/ST). Additionally the candidate must have a valid score in a national level admission test such as CAT/MAT/XAT/C-MAT/AIMA/OJEE.
M.Tech (Regular):-Passed or appearing in 2014, Bachelor’s Degree of examination in the relevant field .The candidate should have obtained at least 50% marks (45% in case of SC/ST category). And the candidate must have a valid score card in PGAT/GATE.
DIPLOMA:-To become eligible to take admission in Diploma, candidate should be passed 10th Examination with 35% marks in the aggregate. Additionally the candidate must have a valid score in Diploma Entrance Test (DET).